Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Code Sections Regarding Jurisdiction To Enforce Insurance Code Section 1814

Preliminary Provisions
PC § 681. No person can be punished for a public offense, except upon a legal conviction in a Court having jurisdiction thereof.

PC § 690. The provisions of Part 2 (commencing with Section 681) shall apply to all criminal actions and proceedings in all courts, except where jurisdictional limitations or the nature of specific provisions prevent, or special provision is made for particular courts or proceedings.

PC § 691. The following words have in Part 2 (commencing with Section 681) the signification attached to them in this section, unless it is otherwise apparent from the context:
(a) The words “competent court” when used with reference to the jurisdiction over any public offense, mean any court the subject matter jurisdiction of which includes the offense so mentioned.

Of The Local Jurisdiction of Public Offenses
PC § 777. Every person is liable to punishment by the laws of this State, for a public offense committed by him therein, except where it is by law cognizable exclusively in the courts of the United States; and except as otherwise provided by law the jurisdiction of every public offense is in any competent court within the jurisdictional territory of which it is committed.

         CHAPTER 2. State Departments

GOV C. § 11150. It is the policy of this State to vest in the Governor the civil administration of the laws of the State and for the purpose of aiding the Governor in the execution and administration of the laws to divide the executive and administrative work into departments as provided by law.
(Added by Stats. 1945, Ch. 111.)

GOV C. § 11157. The Attorney General is the legal adviser of each department in all matters relating to the department and to the powers and duties of its officers. Upon request of the head of a department, the Attorney General, or under his direction, the district attorney of any county in which the proceeding is brought, shall aid in any investigation, hearing, prosecution or trial had under the laws which the department is required to administer, and shall institute and prosecute all necessary actions or proceedings for the enforcement of such law and for the punishment of all violations thereof.

GOV. C. § 11158. The sheriffs in the several counties shall execute all lawful orders of a department in their counties.


GOV C. 11180. The head of each department may make investigations and prosecute actions concerning:
(a) All matters relating to the business activities and subjects under the jurisdiction of the department.
(b) Violations of any law or rule or order of the department.
(c) Such other matters as may be provided by law.

GOV C. 11180.5. At the request of a prosecuting attorney or the Attorney General, any agency, bureau, or department of this state, any other state, or the United States may assist in conducting an investigation of any unlawful activity that involves matters within or reasonably related to the jurisdiction of the agency, bureau, or department. This investigation may be made in cooperation with the prosecuting attorney or the Attorney General. The prosecuting attorney or the Attorney General may disclose documents or information acquired pursuant to the investigation to another agency, bureau, or department if the agency, bureau, or department agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the documents or information received to the extent required by this article.

GOV C. 11181. In connection with any investigation or action authorized by this article, the department head may do any of the following:
(a) Inspect and copy books, records, and other items described in subdivision (e).
(b) Hear complaints.
(c) Administer oaths.
(d) Certify to all official acts.

(e) Issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, books, accounts, documents, any writing as defined by Section 250 of the Evidence Code, tangible things, and testimony pertinent or material to any inquiry, investigation, hearing, proceeding, or action conducted in any part of the state.
(f) Promulgate interrogatories pertinent or material to any inquiry, investigation, hearing, proceeding, or action.

(g) Divulge information or evidence related to the investigation of unlawful activity discovered from interrogatory answers, papers, books, accounts, documents, and any other item described in subdivision (e), or testimony, to the Attorney General or to any prosecuting attorney of this state, any other state, or the United States who has a responsibility for investigating the unlawful activity investigated or discovered, or to any governmental agency responsible for enforcing laws related to the unlawful activity investigated or discovered, if the Attorney General, prosecuting attorney, or agency to which the information or evidence is divulged agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the information received to the extent required by this article.

(h) Present information or evidence obtained or developed from the investigation of unlawful activity to a court or at an administrative hearing in connection with any action or proceeding.

GOV C. 11182. The head of a department may delegate the powers conferred upon him by this article to any officer of the department he authorizes to conduct the investigation or hearing.

GOV C. 11183. Except in a report to the head of the department or when called upon to testify in any court or proceeding at law or as provided in Section 11180.5 or subdivisions (g) and (h) of Section 11181, an officer shall not divulge any information or evidence acquired by the officer from the interrogatory answers or subpoenaed private books, documents, papers, or other items described in subdivision (e) of Section 11181 of any person while acting or claiming to act under any authorization pursuant to this article, in respect to the confidential or private transactions, property or business of any person. An officer who divulges information or evidence in violation of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and disqualified from acting in any official capacity in the department.

GOV C. 11184. (a) In any hearing in any part of the state or in any investigation conducted under this article, the head of the department shall issue process and subpoenas in a manner consistent with the California Constitution and the United States Constitution, and the process and subpoenas shall be served in the same manner as provided for the service of a summons as described in Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 413.10) of Title 5 of Part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Service of process and subpoenas may be effectuated by any person designated for that purpose by the head of the department. The person serving any process or a subpoena may receive compensation as is allowed by the head of the department not to exceed the fees prescribed by law for similar service. This compensation shall be paid in the manner provided in this article for the payment of the fees of witnesses.
(b) If the subpoena requires oral testimony from a witness who is not a natural person, the subpoena shall describe, with reasonable particularity, the matters on which examination is requested. In that event, the subpoenaed witness shall designate and produce at the hearing those natural persons who are most qualified to testify on behalf of the subpoenaed witness about those matters to the extent of any information known or reasonably available to the subpoenaed witness. The subpoena shall notify the witness named in the subpoena of its duty to designate and produce natural persons to testify as described in this subdivision.

GOV C. 11186. The superior court in the county in which any hearing is held or any investigation is conducted under the direction of the head of a department or the county in which testimony is designated to be given or documents or other items are designated to be produced, has jurisdiction to compel the attendance of witnesses, the giving of testimony, the answering without objection of interrogatories, and the production, inspection, and copying of papers, books, accounts, documents, and other items described in subdivision (e) of Section 11181 as required by any subpoena issued by the department head.

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